职称 副教授 研究领域 环境传播、媒介心理


2008.9-2012.5 广东外语外贸大学 国际新闻学 本科

2012.8-2014.5 美国迈阿密大学 传播学 硕士

2014.8-2018.5 美国纽约州立大学水牛城分校 传播学 博士

研究领域: 环境传播 媒介心理



1.Huang, J., & Ells, K. (2020). Risk Here vs. Risk There: Intention to Seek Information About Gulf Coastal Erosion. Environmental Communication, 1-15.

2.Huang, J., & Yang, J. Z. (2020). Beyond under the dome: an environmental documentary amplified public risk perception about air pollution in China. Journal of Risk Research, 23(2), 227-241.

3.Yang, J. Z., & Huang, J.** (2019). Seeking for Your Own Sake: Chinese Citizens’ Motivations for Information Seeking About Air Pollution. Environmental Communication, 13(5), 603-616.

4.Grizzard, M., Huang, J., Ahn, C., Fitzgerald, K., Francemone, C. J., & Walton, J. (2019). The Gordian Knot of disposition theory: Character morality and liking. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications.

5.Huang, J., & Yang, Z. J. (2018). Risk, affect, and policy support: public perception of air pollution in China. Asian Journal of Communication, 28(3), 281-297.

6.Grizzard, M., Huang, J., Fitzgerald, K., Ahn, C., & Chu, H. (2018). Sensing heroes and villains: Character-schema and the disposition formation process. Communication research, 45(4), 479-501.

7.Grizzard, M., Huang, J., Weiss, J. K., Novotny, E. R., Fitzgerald, K. S., Ahn, C., ... & Chu, H. (2017). Graphic violence as moral motivator: The effects of graphically violent content in news. Mass Communication and Society, 20(6), 763-783.




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